disentangle one's hair with a comb 意味
- 髪を櫛{くし}でほぐす
- disentangle disentangle v. 解く, ほどく. 【+前置詞】 She tried to disentangle herself from his
- hair hair n. 髪, 毛. 【動詞+】 arrange one's hair 髪を整える bleach one's hair
- comb 1comb n. くし; 髪をくしでとかすこと; 鳥のとさか, とさか状のもの. 【動詞+】 Your hair needs a comb.
- comb back one's hair 髪をとかす
- comb one's hair 髪を撫{な}でつける
- comb one's tangled hair もつれた髪をとかす
- put a comb in one's hair 髪に櫛{くし}を挿す
- to comb (one's hair) to comb (one's hair) 髪を梳かす かみをとかす
- wear a comb in one's hair 髪に櫛を刺す
- comb back one's loose hair ほつれ毛をかき上げる
- comb back one's stray hair ほつれ毛をかき上げる
- comb one's hair in the wrong direction 逆毛{さかげ}を立てる
- comb the snarls out of one's hair 髪のもつれをとかす
- comb the tangles out of one's hair 髪のもつれを櫛{くし}でとく
- pluck hair from one's comb くしに絡まった髪の毛を取る